Honor the Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. By Serving Your Community
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived his life serving others. The day celebrates the life and legacy of the Civil Rights leader and exists to move the nation closer to Dr. King’s vision of a “Beloved Community” by encouraging all Americans to take the time to volunteer and invest in their community.
Service Opportunities
Craft & Assembly Create Prayer Blankets For Juvenile Detention Centers
Assemble items for Bethany House, Friends of Guest House, David's Place Day Shelter, & Alexandria Community Shelter
Donation List - www.shiloh-bc.org/collectionlist
Games, songs, and other activities will be conducted at the following locations
Northern Virginia Juvenile Detention Center
Alexandria Community Shelter
Woodbine Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center
Ladrey House
Ladrey House
Craft & Games
Annie B. Rose