We Are Now Open for In-Person Worship
registerfor in-person worship with protocols that have been carefully designed to protect our church community as much as possible from the risks of COVID-19. If you wish to attend in-person, reservations are required and are limited to maintain safe social distancing according to CDC guidelines.
Registration opens every Monday.
Please register individually. Do not register others.
If you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation for someone else to attend.
All attendees must wear a mask over their mouth and nose at all times.
All volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated.
We require RSVP & questionnaire screening before entering the facilities.
Prior To Arrival
Worshipers will be required to wear masks in order to enter the facility. A limited supply of masks will be available if someone forgets to bring a mask from home.
Worshipers will only be allowed to enter the Worship Center through the front doors.
Volunteers will be there to check in your reservation. Please bring your patience.
Encounter, our Greeter Team, will be there to help you quickly find a seat when you arrive. We will seat people by section from the front to the back of each section. Each row will be filled from the middle out to the aisle to help with social distancing.
There will be sanitizing stations located throughout the building, and our staff will be implementing several guidelines as outlined by the state/local government and health officials.
Social distancing of 6 ft will be encouraged and required.
After entering the building, we ask everyone to stay in family groups from the same household and go directly into the Worship Center. Please do not congregate in the lobby to visit!
Seating will be socially distanced except for members of the same household.
Please respect the personal boundaries of fellow congregants as they participate in worship.
Please be sure to sit/stand at least 6 feet from those who are in attendance.
Nursery and Children’s Church will not be provided. Children MUST stay with their family group throughout the time you are in the building.
There will be no meet & greet time during the service.
Congregational prayer will be conducted from the pews.
The offering will be collected utilizing new giving stations available before and after services. We encourage you to continue giving online at newbetheldc.org/give.
Restroom use will be limited to two people at a time in order to maintain proper social distancing. Parents must accompany their children.
Every other row in the Worship Center will be “closed.” Each family will sit together and leave space between RSVP’d seating.
Worshipers should limit their movement within the Worship Center. If worshipers need to use the bathroom or tend to the needs of a child, they may exit the Worship Center using the side aisles and return to their seats using the center aisle.
At the end of our service, we will have an organized exit by rows beginning at the back to help facilitate good social distancing.
Worshipers will immediately leave the facility. Any conversations between worshipers should be conducted outdoors and with appropriate social distance maintained.
For those who are comfortable watching from home, no worries! Stream with us live on our website and social media platforms.